Power(puff) yourself

Good news!! 

My 4-monthly blood test and transvaginal ultrasound, and my 6 monthly abdominal and pelvic ultrasound were a-ok; my CA125 – not the best marker but as mine was so elevated at diagnosis it’s worth including in ongoing monitoring – is 9 (should be under 35, was 2,257 at diagnosis in July 2014).  

Anyway, I think that this good news is a worthy excuse to make use of this (ridiculous but I Love It) powerpuff-yourself gif (thanks, Thea).  

My next monitoring visit is in 4 months.

Until then, I’ll power(puff) on.  I guess that my warrior – who likes to take a holiday around check-up-time – is back in action, albeit with a new power(puff) look.

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